Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson

Pgs 1-69.

Some might think that reading nearly 70 pages of a book won't give someone much to talk about...and they would be right.

At this point in the book, you know three characters: Jenna, Claire (Jenna's Mom) and Lily (Jenna's "Na Na"). Jenna is a completely curious character. I use the word curious soley because the book used the word to describe her in a comical way. She remembers nothing of the first 16 years of her life and between 16 and 17 she was in a coma, so now she's up life's creek without a paddle...possibly without a boat as well. In order to try to remember something from her past, she is watching homevideos of her life (which she does slowly start remembering things). She watches them in order, but, apparently, if she watches them out of order she might find something interesting waiting for her toward the end of the discs.

Claire is a complete and total nut job. She tries to control everything, but with a teenage daughter she better expect a few fights. I don't think she is ready to have her daughter back. You can tell there is something odd going on, because she acts strangely. She's too superficial, too practiced. Sooner or later, I'm sure we'll see her exterior break and chaos will reign!

Lily is our most impressive character when it comes to hinting at what is going on. She "hates" Jenna, though she doesn't admit it. But, I think that it's more that she doesn't like the new Jenna. Jenna asks about whether or not she was baptised. Lily's response is "When she was two years old." It's telling that she doesn't consider this Jenna to be the Jenna that she helped raise.

At this point I really have no about what is actually happening, but I'm intrigued and the writing style is decent. It hints, but gives nothing away. I'm thinking I will like this book.

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