Monday, November 8, 2010

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak --- Pt. 3

Pgs. 168-238

Things I don't understand:

1). The point of this story.
2.) Why the author is including all of these small details.
3.) What the point of the mayor's wife is in relation to this book.
4.) Why Liesel steals books.
5.) Why we had a complete info overload for the character of Max Vandenburg.
6.) Why the author goes from completely obscure and secretive to completely overbearing with giving us details or information.

My opinion of this book has not become any better. Yes, the narrator can be funny. Yes, Liesel can pique my interest. Yes, I want to know what happens, but I don't want to spend my entire life figuring it out. I'm growing old waiting for this plot to actually make sense. There is only the slightest sense of push...the tiniest essence of danger. It is true that World War II is happening all around them, but it seems so far away from this scene that you hardly remember it is happening.

I want something to happen. I want action. I want drama. The author packs so much fluff into this novel that I'm choking trying to get through. Give me meat! Not peas.

Give the editor of this book a scapel and tell him to carve a story from it.

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